
We offer the full range of flooring products from the world's best manufacturers.

Carpets and Area Rugs

We carry a large selection of high-quality wall-to-wall carpets, area rugs, and runners, including imported handmade and machine made rugs. These floorings come in a wide array of natural and synthetic fibers, including wool, sisal, jute, seagrass, viscose, and nylon. Each of these materials is unique and allows for elegant designs, sophisticated colors, and spectacular textures. Come to one of our showrooms and to see the full range of the products we carry and have our expert staff answer any questions that you may have.

Hard Flooring

Hard Floorings are elegant, long-lasting, and easy to clean. We carry a full range of hard floorings to meet all of your needs.

  • Hardwood and Engineered Wood: Hardwood has always been one of the most elegant flooring solutions; it gives an unparalleled elegance to any room. We carry a range of different wood types, including oak, hickory, cherry, and maple as well as exotic woods. Our wood floorings come in planks ranging from 2½ in. to 7 in. Our main two manufacturers for hardwood floorings are Mohawk and Max Windsor.
  • Bamboo: An eco-friendly alternative to hardwood, bamboo flooring has a distinctive visual texture and is as durable as any hardwood. It is a green alternative to hardwoods, regrowing up to 15 times faster than some hardwoods. We carry DuroDesign's and Shaw's bamboo flooring.
  • Tiles: Tile flooring gives a clean, crisp look to a home. We carry excellent quality tiles made from porcelain, ceramic, and natural stone. We also carry Duraceramic tiles, which can be installed either with or without grout.
  • Laminate: Laminate flooring offers a good look at an affordable price. It is the ultimate ease in maintenance, being easy to install and clean.

Green Flooring

As people become more conscious of the environment and the effects we have on it, flooring companies are doing what they can to make their products more eco-friendly while continuing to manufacture first-rate, durable products. We carry some of the newest kinds of green flooring, including:

  • Mohawk's SmartStrand Silk carpet: A carpet made of Dupont's renewably sourced polymer.
  • Bamboo: Bamboo is a gorgeous alternative to traditional hardwood floors. Bamboo regrows to harvestable size within 3-7 years, whereas traditional hardwoods can take 30-50 years. While hardwoods regrow there is more runoff and they produce less oxygen. Bamboo is showing itself to be both beautiful and environmentally friendly.
  • New production processes: Many of the manufacturers that we carry have been looking into ways to make production more eco-friendly by using more efficient and effective production methods. For example, Design Materials often works with recycled materials to preserve raw materials. Helios uses weaving techniques with natural wool that are designed to minimize material waste and conserve energy.
  • Natural materials: Many of our flooring products are made from natural materials such as wool, sisal, jute, and seagrass. These natural materials are less petroleum intensive in production than synthetic materials and naturally biodegradable.