Dan's Ace Hardware

  • Tel: 208-359-5392
  • Dan's Ace Hardware
  • 101 East Main Street
  • Rexburg, ID 83440
  • United States of America

As your local Ace Hardware, our store is a member of the largest retailer-owned hardware cooperative in the industry. Ace Hardware began as a small chain of stores in 1924 and has grown to include more than 4,600 stores in 50 states and more than 70 countries.As part of a cooperative, every Ace Hardware store is independently owned. From neighborhood hardware stores to lumberyards to super-size home centers, each Ace Hardware is unique and tailored to meet the needs of its local community. We are all committed to being "the Helpful Place" by offering our customers knowledgeable advice, helpful service and quality products. As the helpful hardware folks in your community, we promise that, "helping you is the most important thing we have to do today."

Products: Dan's Ace Hardware


Brands: Dan's Ace Hardware

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Benjamin Moore Paints


Benjamin Moore & Co. has produced quality paint since 1883, when the young Benjamin Moore, a recent Irish immigrant, began his paint business venture with his brother, William, in a small building in Brooklyn, NY. Today, Benjamin Moore & Co. continues to develop and produce new paint products, such as Pristine, a solvent-free, low odor, low VOC, water-thinnable coating system that utilizes our own advanced materials technology.

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Florida Tile

Website | Green

Florida Tile products are one of the greatest values in the industry. Our reputation is built on providing reasonably priced, design rich products to the tile market. Florida Tile products come directly from the earth. Because of this, we are particularly aware of our responsibility to help preserve the beauty and health of our planet and all its natural resources.