Houston Custom Patio Builders

  • Tel: 2817888749
  • Toll Free: 2817888749
  • Houston Custom Patio Builders
  • 12926 Flaxseed Way
  • Stafford, TX 77477
  • United States of America

Houston Custom Patio Builders provide ALL the tools necessary for a structural sound patio: from the reinforcement of the foundation, to sustain the framing structure, roofing, along with the necessary electricity, plumbing, painting, and masonry etc. An expert explanation on any aspects of the design and construction will be given to you to assure you that all laws, codes and expectations of the CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY and cities will be met. Since the early 70's this family operated owned business has gathered hands on trade experience to overlook and make sure that all promises made to our clients are met. We pride ourselves in working with our clients to help realize YOUR dream patio.