Atsar Exports (P) Ltd.

  • Tel: 11 41755722
  • Atsar Exports (P) Ltd.
  • A 20
  • Green Park
  • New Delhi, Delhi 110016
  • India

Established and incorporated on 3rd. of August 1995 with Registrar of Companies of Delhi and Haryana, India. Authorized and licensed Importers and exports by Reserve Bank of India and Dg. of Foreign Trade, ministry of commerce, Government of India. Members: - Carpet Export promotion Council, Ministry of textile, Government of India. (The council is responsible for export promotion of carpet industry in India, programs for well being of carpet weaver families and to keep the industry child labor free). - International Association of Tour Managers Ltd. London, United Kingdom. - Affiliation, support and association of thousands of artisans related to different arts and crafts of Kashmir. Indian Council of Small and Medium Exporters and Institute of Economic Studies Presented by Dr. Bhim Narayan Singh (Former Governor of Tamil Nadu and Assam) honored Mr. M Shafi Goroo and Atsar Exports Pvt. Ltd. with three prestigious awards: