
  • Tel: 501.225.1542
  • Fax: 501.225.1572
  • Thumprints
  • 12120 Colonel Glenn Road
  • Suite 5100
  • Little Rock, AR 72210
  • United States of America

Thumprints is a specialty lamp and wholesale company that strives to create high quality, unique and artistic lighting, inspired by creativity and individuality. Incorporating objects from around the world into the designs, our goal is to create pieces of functional art that illuminate a room in many ways.

When creating lamps for the line, we pay great attention to detail and focus on the artistic qualities of the designs, blending textures, shapes, colors and materials to form the unusual.

A distinguishing trait of Thumprints is ultra-suede lampshades, which add a rich texture and elegance to many of the styles. All of our lamps are individually hand-crafted. Thus, no two are exactly alike, making each one as distinctive and personal as your thumbprint.

Products: Thumprints
