Modern Arc Inc

  • Tel: 310.255.0982
  • Fax: 310.255.0983
  • Modern Arc Inc
  • 3609 Hayden Avenue
  • Culver City, CA 90232
  • United States of America

Modern Architectural Inc. is a multi-disciplinary design and procurement firm that specializes in the distribution, fabrication, specification, and import of architectural building materials for multi-family projects and the hospitality industry. MRI works as an interface between owner/developer, architect designer, and the general contractor to supply plumbing, hardware, stone/tile/ surface coverings, cabinetry and all related bath and kitchen surfaces.
Our wide variety of vendors and manufacturing capabilities make it possible to provide a cohesive relationship with our materials to the projects individual budget $ stylistic parameters. Our expertise in specialty building materials incorporates the integrity of the architectural design intent with products that are as well designed as they are functional.