Globalife Home Enrichment Products

  • Tel: 201.546.9352
  • Fax: 201.546.9352
  • Toll Free: 800.470.9006
  • Globalife Home Enrichment Products
  • Newark, NJ
  • United States of America

Globalife is a multinational company operating worldwide. Our American venture is based in New Jersey serving throughout the country via vendors and wholesalers as well direct sales at our showroom and over our website. Our team’s primary aim is to enrich the homes of all our customers with the products and services they purchased from us and to ensure that their needs and desires are fully met.

Our overall focus is on the positive contribution that we are able to make to the lives of the ones who choose us. That’s where the real enrichment actually takes place.

Our lines of products are amongst the best in their categories and their selections are meticulously made to turn our houses into the places that we call “home.” They apply to different tastes and budgets but always sustain their top-notch status. They are from a number of unsurpassed manufacturers of different countries around the world. Their work is specially designed and crafted to fulfill the comprehensive needs of the American Families who want authenticity and uniqueness in their daily lives besides exquisite quality.

Each and every piece of product that we carry has certain distinctive characteristics. Nature is the direct resource of them all as in our natural stones collection of marble, travertine, limestone and mosaics.