Rusco Window Company

  • Tel: 701-281-1848
  • Toll Free: 800-701-4411
  • Rusco Window Company
  • 411 40th St SW
  • Fargo, ND 58103
  • United States of America

Rusco Window Company was founded by Randolph J. Grammer and M. Alton Robertson and first opened its door for business on June 18, 1947. The company was a franchisee of the F.C. Russell Co. of Ohio and started selling only Rusco steel storm windows. At that time it was a very progressive and innovative product.

During the 1950's venetian blinds became a part of Rusco's business and the company began fabricating venetian blinds. In addition to the original Rusco steel storm windows, the company began manufacturing aluminum storm windows and metal awnings for windows and doors. It was also during this time Rusco started selling wholesale to dealers located in other cities and towns in Virginia, and by the end of the decade the company was selling to dealers in neighboring states.

During the 1970’s, the F.C. Russell Co. was sold and eventually ceased operation. Rusco Window Co. of Roanoke became independently owned and operated by Randolph J. Grammer, now having only a common history with other Rusco franchises throughout the country.

In 1979, Rusco began making windows from PVC vinyl. This was a new concept not yet accepted by the public, so this represented a very bold move by the company. Prior to this, all replacement windows were manufactured from aluminum.
Rusco continued to grow in the 1980's and became a major supplier to the government funded Weatherization program in several states. The emphasis shifted from storm windows to vinyl replacement windows.

Vinyl windows became the primary product by the early 1990's. In 1992 computerized optimization equipment was added to increase efficiency in manufacturing and to drastically reduce material scrap.

In 2000, Lawrence Transportation Systems acquired Rusco Window Company. Rusco is similar to Lawrence in that it is a Roanoke based family owned business with a long history of innovative service.

Rusco now specializes in custom manufacturing state of the art vinyl windows for the remodeling and new construction markets along with aluminum awnings and canopies. Other quality products offered include entry doors, aluminum storm windows and doors, sunrooms, vinyl siding and many other home improvement goods and services.

Today Rusco is a thriving, growth oriented company located in Roanoke, VA and continues to serve a dual role in the manufacturing and distribution of its products sold on a wholesale basis to independent dealers and distributors over a seven-state area while serving homeowners factory direct in the Roanoke Valley.

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Rusco Window Company


Rusco builds windows for people who know and appreciate quality.