Article Number: 2671
Shaw takes to the road, Sets schedule for regional markets
Dalton—Shaw Industries has announced its lineup of regional winter markets, themed “Innovation.” All of the markets will take place during January 2008.

According to Reggie Newton, Shaw’s vice president of marketing, this modified schedule will offer a more focused and efficient market experience for Shaw retailers. “The regional markets have worked well for our retail customers, and attendance continues to increase year after year,” he said. “The events are designed to introduce Shaw’s new products and programs and allow Shaw management and sales personnel time to provide our customers quality, individual attention. We expect our regional markets to be a great experience, and retailers will see some of Shaw’s most innovative products to date.”

The theme of innovation was selected because of Shaw’s constant evolution in an ever-changing marketplace, according to Steve Sieracki, Shaw’s vice president product and category management. “Shaw is continuously working to provide our retailers with the very best in design and quality, and we are confident that the products and programs featured this year will continue to communicate Shaw’s dedication to innovation,” he said.

Many products and programs will be highlighted during the markets, he noted. The Shaw Green Edge initiatives will continue as prevalent messages, and new eco-friendly introductions will include a significant addition to Shaw’s recyclable Anso nylon Visions collection, called Savvy Spaces. Anso nylon’s birthday celebration will kick off during the markets.

Additions will also be introduced in the Epic engineered hardwood line. Shaw’s revolutionary new laminate locking system, Loc N Place, will be promoted with a contest that allows dealers to experience the speed of installation. Also, Anderson, acquired by the company in September (FCNews, Oct. 1/8), will showcase its comprehensive selection of hardwood flooring.