Article Number: 3679
Mohawk Announces GreenWorks Dealer Of The Year Award Contest, Accepting Nominations From September 15 To October 31
DALTON (September 22, 2008)—Mohawk Industries is adding another element to its GreenWorks initiative for environmental responsibility and sustainability. Beginning September 15, Mohawk began taking nominations for its first GreenWorks Dealer of the Year Award.

The GreenWorks Dealer Award contest is open to any floorcovering dealer whose dealership works toward sustainability. The award is based on three key criteria:

• Economic Responsibility. Without a strong financial footing and growth, no dealer can continue to operate and support the overall community with jobs and economic stability.

• Social Commitment. When communities thrive, businesses thrive. The best retailers are active within and making an impact on their communities.

• Environmental Initiative. Every dealer should strive to conserve resources, reduce waste and support environmentally-friendly products.

“Understanding sustainability is first. It isn’t just recycling or reusing. Rather, it’s achieving balance in a community’s economic, social, and environmental components—like a three-legged stool,” said Jenny Cross, Mohawk’s Residential Senior Sustainability Manager. “All three legs have to be equal to provide the proper support.”

In addition to the award itself, the GreenWorks Dealer of the Year will be presented with $5000 by Mohawk to donate to a sustainable cause, or use for another sustainably based effort of his or her choice. Honorable mentions (up to 5) will be given $1000 for the sustainable cause or effort of their choice.

Cross said that floorcovering industry members can nominate any dealer whom they feel practices true sustainability, and that dealers may nominate themselves. She stressed that many stores already have numerous sustainability practices in place that would make them eligible for the award.

“Many dealers I’ve talked to have had recycling programs going for years, covering carpet cushion, removed carpet, cardboard, bottles, and other materials” she said. “They’ve looked carefully at their stores’ energy use to cut costs, and they’ve been active in their communities to support local causes and charities. Those are all things that make a store an ideal candidate for this award.”

A panel of three independent sustainable professionals will judge the contest. They are:

• Dr. Sydney G. Roberts is the home services program manager at Southface Energy Institute, an Atlanta-based green building consulting organization that promotes sustainable homes, workplaces and communities through education, research, advocacy and technical assistance.

• David Cross, a founder and managing partner of Abeo Partners, a firm focused on providing strategies and solutions that support lasting behavior change in areas including sustainability and health & wellness.

• Karen Raymer, an interior designer and founder of Waldenour, an ecodesign and consulting firm that counsels a variety of clients on the value and necessity of sustainability in business.

Nominations are being taken from September 15 through October 31, 2008. Winners will be announced in late November. Nomination forms are available at

Mohawk GreenWorks is the umbrella of environmental initiatives for Mohawk Industries. Mohawk is the largest recycler in the flooring industry, and the leader in recycled and renewable flooring. Mohawk diverts over three billion pounds of material from landfills each year, and this number is growing. Mohawk’s goal is to develop processes and products that allow the company to focus on the five “Rs” of the GreenWorks platform: reduce, recover, reuse, renew, and recycle. Learn more at