Article Number: 4482
How to survive in this environment: Become a Mohawk aligned dealer
Why would a store even THINK about the investment in a Mohawk Aligned Dealer program in this economic environment? Simple: Mohawk programs build sales. Better yet, they also improve profitability.

With no variables other than the switch to a Mohawk aligned dealer program (same people, same location, same market conditions), stores have increased annual sales more than $1 million. They have also seen double-digit margin increases—again, with no changes other than switching to a Mohawk aligned program.

Mohawk’s aligned dealer selling system and business tools improve closing rates, enhance operations efficiency, and give retailers a much better understanding of where their money is going—knowledge absolutely vital in order to survive.

“Aligned stores report gross margins as high as 45%,” said Manny Llerena, vice president of retail marketing for Mohawk. “Our aligned dealers have a much better understanding of their stores’ profitability than most retailers, and this gives them the power to cut waste and capitalize on opportunities. We’ve seen a lot of flooring stores that thought they were financially healthy go under in this economy. It turns out that they really didn’t know where they were losing money.”

Llerena said Mohawk has invested heavily in a benchmarking program that lets stores do in-depth analysis of their financials and find areas to improve. One Mohawk retailer used the system to boost his store’s profitability 100% even as his sales declined 3%. Mohawk aligned dealers throughout North America are now using benchmarking to see how their stores compare to similar retail operations in other markets, and they are able to make informed decisions about the best ways to run their businesses to cope with the recession.

And Mohawk’s aligned programs give retailers numerous tools for increasing sales and adding new profit centers. The carefully researched store layouts were the first in the industry truly designed with women shoppers in mind. That increases closing ratios dramatically. Also, Mohawk helps retailers design and maintain their Web sites, drawing new customers to their stores.

National sales events and alignment with the Mohawk brand (one of the top five most recognized and trusted in the industry), have helped stores add hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue. Mohawk even helps stores with training through Mohawk University (one of the Top 10 corporate training institutions in the nation), and with business operations.

But Llerena insists you don’t take Mohawk’s word for it. Instead, he’ll guide you to other Mohawk aligned retailers and let you talk with them privately to see what they like—and don’t like—about Mohawk’s aligned dealer programs. “We practice what we call ‘continuous concept renewal,’” he said. “We’re constantly working with retailers to adjust and improve our programs. We’re dealing with the realities of doing business today, and we’re solving problems. Our goal isn’t just to help dealers survive—we’re helping them use opportunities still out there to continue growing their businesses.”

To learn more about Mohawk Aligned Dealer programs, see your Mohawk representative.