Article Number: 4827
Beaulieu Leads Relay for Life
DALTON GA, Sept.2, 2009—Following Beaulieu of America’s tradition of supporting its community charities, it led the American Cancer Society “Relay for Life”, held recently in the Dalton, Georgia area. Over 100 Beaulieu associates raised almost $8,500 over the weekend at this annual event by walking, jogging, baking, washing cars and selling raffle tickets. Beaulieu was the largest team at the event. As with the local Red Cross Food Bank and other charitable endeavors supported by Beaulieu each year, the company always encourages associates to “give back” to the community.

Beaulieu of America is the largest carpet-only producer in America with brands such as Bliss by Beaulieu™, Coronet®, and Hollytex® Commercial Solutions and Beaulieu Property Management Solutions for the multi-family housing industry.

For more information, contact:

Patricia Flavin
Senior VP of Marketing
Beaulieu of America