Dean Hardwoods

  • Tel: 910-763-3748
  • Fax: 910-763-3748
  • Dean Hardwoods
  • 1 Cowan Street
  • Box 1595
  • Wilmington, NC 28402
  • United States of America

We at Dean Hardwoods would like you to know the environmental facts about our specialty hardwoods, especially our hallmarks: Burma Teak, and Genuine Mahogany from South and Central America.
 According to the unanimous conclusion of a Smithsonian study, which included members of the environmental community, the best way to preserve the rainforests is by harvesting them sustainably for sale in commercial trade. Otherwise, the land will be cleared, and the trees burned to make the land economically productive in some other way, such as by farming, ranching, mining, or other development.
 Did you know that in the whole galaxy of hardwoods, Burma Teak is the environmental superstar? It is the best protected species on earth, and has been for more than a century since the Burma Selection System was implemented. Under it, there is ever increasing growing stock while abundant supplies of logs for lumber and veneer are assured for boat building, furniture, flooring, decks, and general construction - when only the best is good enough. Because of its great strength, durability, stability, working qualities, and magnificent golden color, many consider Teak to be the finest wood in the world.
 Since there is so much misinformation in the liberal media about the state of the world’s forests, we would like you to know the facts, beginning right here in the USA. Did you know, for instance, that we have today 70% of the forest cover the early settlers had in 1600, or that we have typically been growing about 20% more hardwoods than are harvested or consumed by fire, insects, and disease?
 If you are like most of us, you probably didn’t. That is because the lunatic fringe of the environmental movement has the liberal media people in their hands, and feeds them misrepresentations and distortions on a continuing basis in order to accomplish their purpose of terminating the harvest of the world’s greatest renewable resource: wood. God put those resources on earth for our use, and we should use them, but wisely. We are committed to that responsibility.

Products: Dean Hardwoods

Wood Flooring