
  • Tel: 615-642-1011
  • RugFix
  • 325 White Bridge Road
  • Nashville, TN 37209
  • United States of America

 Since 1999, my manufacturers of RugFix, with their team of chemists, have been engaged in the manufacturing of powder form of environmental friendly RugFix.
 It started about 6 years ago when I met a bright chemist whom I talked to about producing a product that would improve and enhance undesirable colors in rugs, initially the product was made in liquid form and too heavy for shipping, but six years later RugFix is being offered in powder form and can be applied on a rug at any retail store floor without any afterward water rinsing, it simply sprays on a rug and does the job permanently.
 There are huge quantities of dead inventory sitting on every wholesaler and retailer's floors, taking valuable space, not selling at ANY price, RugFix has been created to come to rescue these valuable rugs turning them into cash. I have seen miracles over the last 6 years as how a rug sitting on my retail store floors for over 10 years sold to two customers on the day that it was washed by RugFix, at full retail price. Obviously only one of these two customers bought the rug, but it was AMAZING

Products: RugFix
