
  • Tel: 617-987-2081
  • Fax: 617-987-2081
  • EasternCorner
  • 15 North Beacon Street
  • Apt 514
  • Allston, MA 02134
  • United States of America

 EasternCorner, Inc, headquartered in Cambridge, MA, is a rapidly growing home decoration and print on-line catalogue company promoting fine crafted, unique and exceptional home furnishings including the art of European and eastern countries. Our home decorating catalogue includes furniture items, floorings, traditional handcrafts, chinaware, and replicas of antiques, mystical lamps, enigmatic oriental carpets and unique home decor accessories. We are also proud to provide historical memorabilia and collectibles of common cultural heritage and an exciting array of functional gear of 22 nations in Asia and Europe. EasternCorner, Inc. believes in the brotherhood of nations, cultures and religion. Our mission is to reflect the common values and the art of civilizations around the world; to share and promote the cultural heritage of societies through our home decoration products. Where else is culture more evident but at home?
 In our catalogue, it is not surprising to find a rare Tibetan silk rug, Thai spirits, unique Chinese vases, Russian and Greek religious items or oriental mystical home decoration accessories filled with inspiration and beauty as well as classic American and southern crafts.
 Join our journey and visit Sultan's Harem in Istanbul, Sinbad's palace in India, take a walk in the enchanting gardens of Japan; fly on a magic carpet through the magnificent pyramids of Maya, hanging gardens of Babylon, the temple of Artemis and the lighthouse of Alexandria.