
  • Tel: 020 7751 0541
  • Turgon
  • 955 Fulham Road
  • Fulham, LONDON SW6 5HY
  • United Kingdom

Turgon is one of the UK's premier retailers and installers of hard wood floors. We were the chosen wooden flooring contractor for ITV's "DesignWars", featuring five international designers, and have been responsible for one of the largest ever Oak plank installations in Europe: 16,000 sq meters at Canary Riverside.

Whether you’re looking for a traditional wooden floor, a contemporary designer floor, or ultra wide planks up to 5 meters in length, we have a huge range of wooden flooring and under-floor heating solutions to suit any home or business.

We are recognised as the UK's leading company in the production of beautifuly hand crafted floors. By combining staining, oiling and waxing as well as traditional hand finishing techniques such as planing, distressing and back scraping, we are able to produce floors that are not only beautiful, but also unique. We currently have in excess of 300 diferent colours and finishes so finding that special floor should be easy, but if your still struggling we will produce your very own colour matched floor ! How's that for service?

If you’re not able to visit one of our stores, why not request a home visit, where you will be able to see a range of floors and receive a free site survey - all in the comfort of your own home.

As all our work is fully guaranteed, and installed by our own professional installers. You can rest assured that our standards are of the highest quality.