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How many can honestly say this headline is the attitude you have with every customer? In any business, people may think they are properly serving their clientele, but most don’t know how... more

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This is not so much about questions as it is about answers regarding carpet cushion, not pad, as it is commonly called. Pad is cheap, soft, extremely compressible, and virtually worthless in promoting healthy performance of carpet. An example of pad is the very lightweight prime urethane cushions... more

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In the last issue I wrote about something similar to what we’re going to discuss now but this is different. I was visiting a dealer in New England last week who runs a very high end retail operation... more

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This is a subject is getting more attention lately and is being addressed in more ways. It has always been the case, unless otherwise stated, carpet was never to be installed over the top of existing broadloom because it could compromise the performance and installation of the new carpet... more

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I wrote the installation and carpet evaluation reports on a large project on which I’m working involving 230,000- sq. ft. of material. We spent a great deal of time determining how to work with the product, how to prepare the floors, as well as other key issues... more

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Pets may be the best friends mankind ever had, but they can inflict a host of damage to floor coverings, particularly carpet... more

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We've spoken lately about the contract market and the number of people who are interested in getting into this segment. It's been the one bright spot of the industry relative to growth and profit for the last couple of years... more

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Very often a problem with a product or an installation is not in the product itself. That is, the carpet, vinyl or tile may be manifesting a condition which is underneath it... more

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A retailer called with this concern and thought the problem he had was from an odor in the carpet itself... more

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There has been so much talk about the industry’s’ lack of imagination when it comes to styling but that’s not what you will have seen. Instead, you will have been inundated with some of the most innovative styling ideas ever to hit the floors of your stores... more

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Transmitted: 6/15/2024 5:33:35 PM
FloorBiz News